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Clathria mima
(Moalboal - Cebu - Philippines)

Pericharax sp.
(Moalboal - Cebu - Philippines)

Oceanapia sagittaria
(Moalboal - Cebu - Philippines)

Sponge sp. 1
(Manado - Indonesia)

Sponge sp. 2
(Moalboal - Cebu - Philippines)

Sponge sp. 3
(Manado - Indonesia)


from 22/10/2004
until today
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All photographs and materials on this website may not be
used without the expressed and written consent of the author.
Website created and realized by Paolo Rossi
Photographs by Antidio & Paolo Rossi

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For any questions, comment or technical problem : paulreds@tin.it
Last modified : 19-06-2005

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